2012 Shanghai Alleycat Photos!2012 上海野猫速递比赛图片集

Warning: Picspam! Make sure you have a good bandwith connection (rather than a cellphone).

Pre pre-race night ride supper: xiaolongbao again. ↓ I guess we riders just love dumplings.

Post pre-race night ride party @Shanghai Tattoo. ↓

Pre-race: There were just so many bikes and people, so the police had to request us to hide our bikes in the basement garage of Sinan Mansions. It was a pity that the city of Shanghai didn’t get to witness the bike carnival in such beautiful weather. But starting from underground had a cool street fight vibe going on and actually turned out to be pretty awesome.

Heaps and heaps of LOVE!

Skid T: @Ethan

@Star Track reunion? (Damn I missed @Michelle on the left!) ↓

@ Solomone Cavalli

Beijing Fixed-gear ↓

Postman is outside! ↓

Shanghai gansta @KL


So we had to start in heats of 10 and leave every minute because of this many amazing people. Each person had the heat number and self number on both arms. When we get back the heat number gets deducted from the time.

Dress and heels! ↓

Riaad & Jiayi ↓

And then I started racing. So no more photos from me during the race. 🙁

My route was Kaiba-Specialized-South Bund Skate Park-Central studios-Cheers In- Egghead Bagels-Shanghai Tattoo-Yasmine’s Butchery-La Creperie-Boxing Cat-Factory 5. (I made a map) It was a pretty good route as I crossed Nan bei Gaojia in the south and there’s no traffic and I raced under the highway all along. But I fell from my bike at Central Studios (and got photographed). Luckily a gentleman from Central Studios offered me water so I hung there for 5 minuters, checked out my photo from the photographer and watched Nick P raced away. Unluckily I was carrying my fricking camera throughout the race (and you know it’s heavy!) and it turns out I broke the lens when I landed. Also when coming down from Egghead Bagels I totally forgot to turn to Tattoo and Airwalk so I had to go back from Yasmine’s. 🙁 The result was, I had to snatch the wristband from my bike mechanic , where my friend Jako (I posted his Bengal bike pics before) , also a fellow Airwalk rider, was taking photos. Their happy faces completely cheered me up.

The race had so much fun and good spirit all over it. I was greeted and cheered up by my friend Daniels (who won the overall champion)  riding from the other way when I got really tired; saw my housemate Simon riding the race on a flat tire (and still got 8th place!); greeted and cheered all the cool Chinese riders along the way; met 2 friends who were filming at La Creperie…

(Wow, I’ve never written this much on CityBikr before. You can tell what a good time I had. 🙂 )

Checkpoint mini trophies:


Awesome leggings ↓

↓ Bathroom wall of Boxing Cat Sinan Mansions (Sponsor of this year’s AlleyCat)




赛前夜骑完派对时刻 @Shanghai Tattoo. ↓

赛前: 因为车太占地方以及600多号人,被警察叔叔勒令转移到思南公馆地下停车场。很遗憾上海没有在如此美好的天气下见证这次单车嘉年华的机会。但其实从地下开始也有一种很酷的街头比赛调调。

成堆成堆的爱呀~ 我估摸赛前这里停的自行车总价值应该超过3百万。(不少一辆就上万的)

Skid T恤: @Ethan杨

@Star Track 小聚?(大米 不好意思没把你拍全) ↓

@ Solomone Cavalli

北京死飞也来了很多人 ↓


上海滩 @KL


高跟鞋和裙子 ↓

Riaad & Jiayi ↓


关于比赛过程我在英文版写了一段,可以点右上角小国旗切换。大概就是我扛着死重的相机,在奂镜摔了一跤。然后从Egghead Bagels南下时完全忘记两个签到点又从肉店骑回去,以及大家的精神是如何鼓舞。有空来好好写下中文的。



视幻裤 ↓

↓ 思南公馆的 Boxing Cat 拳击猫洗手间墙壁 (本次比赛的主赞助)

“Earth Hour” Night Ride地球一小时 夜骑活动

Kasia and her bike ↑

When we were on the ferry, the lights on the skyscrapers were switched off at 8:30 sharp.

Can’t see the needle (Pearl Tower) now! ↓

If you’ve been visiting CityBikr often, you would probably noticed Scott and his bike ↓ couple of times before:1, 2

Kasia 和她的车 ↑


连东方明珠的针尖都看不到了 ↓

Scott和他的田园风格车(后篮很有爱吧?),之前也有出现过哦,看你仔细不: 1, 2

Paddy’s Bash!圣帕特里克节啤酒骑

Another awesome beer bash – Paddy’s Bash, hosted with free drinks (yay!) by Factory 5 & Shanghai Tattoo, celebrates the Irish St. Patrick’s Day.

Everybody had something green!

My bike and its prototype. (Anna’s lowered frame = love at first sight) .

Trying out the tandem 😀

才过去多久呀,啤酒骑又来了。这次是Factory 5上海纹艺复兴 合办的,恰逢圣帕特里克节,当然也少不了爱尔兰人的习俗——酒!




Not Just Another Night Ride不仅仅又是一次夜骑

Although extremely tired having slept for only 5 hours in the morning (aftermath of a long night’s work), I was really excited and happy to join the Factory Five friends for another night cruise to The Bund. It was also a long-awaited reunion with our very own experienced Chinese biker group (with a potential new girl biker joining!). Check out how awesome our 20 bikes look put together ↓ when we stopped to have some drinks.

Karl’s Tigger saddle ↓

There was an interesting interlude (for me it’s one of those moments that worth taking my big, stupid camera out). After coming out of the tunnel, one of our bikes got punctured. No worries, our distinguished attendant service team immediately took care of it.

虽然由于头晚通宵加班,我还是兴奋地去地参加了周二Factory Five的外滩夜骑。这次也是和我们精通老练的中国骑手们期待已久的一次重聚,而且马上还有新女骑手加入呢。


大师Karl的跳跳虎坐垫↓ 萌不萌?


Holiday Beer Bash!节日啤酒狂欢!

Saturday I had another awesome ride with the People’s Bike/Factory Five gang: my first ever BEER BASH!

The idea was to stop at every Lawson (convenience store) that’s on the ride route and get a beer. I never noticed there’re so many Lawsons downtown!

↓ Just arrived (I was late). Everyone started drinking already.

Sierra and Troy ↑

A Chinese biker group from Suzhou passing by. ↓

Chris’s Treecycle with stereo: jingle all the way!


Santa is eating, drinking and having a dance with the sweet Treecycle carols.

So I got really high. ↑ 😀


Maoming Rd. (S) Beautiful with the winter sun. Putting up 2 more.

That’s Drew and Lenny? ↑

Another one, again. ↓

Jeff doing what?

Devil Xmas hat.

Laura 🙂

Getting dark. Drink up guys!

Er guo tou, the best. Baijiu fricking bash!

Chinese workers checking out Chris’s Treecycle.

Christmas all over Lawson!

Supper: Xiaolongbao. First batch arriving ↓

wolfing down the xiaolongbaos  ↑

another table full of Chinese dishes in the cold winter night ↓

😀 So much fun.

1-2-3, Merry Christmas!

(If you can’t watch Youtube, I made a copy at Tudou just in case.)

Awesome video by Yoann. Tudou version is here if you don’t have a VPN.星期六和 人民自行车/Factory Five 车帮又过瘾地骑了一次, BEER BASH (啤酒狂欢)。

规则就是骑行路上遇到的每个罗森 (便利店)都停下来买罐啤酒喝(当然,也不是硬性规定)。结果一路十来个下来,发现市区的罗森真叫多啊。。。



喝着喝着,对面骑来一群中国骑友! 叫他们过来一起,原来是从苏州来的。↓


Drew 和 Jeff (另外那个是谁?)

Jeff喝的 1/8 ?他们还有啤酒的?


爬到很高 ↑



又到了一个 ↓

双耳圣诞帽! ↑

Laura 🙂







晚饭:小笼包! 第一批 ↓

狼吞虎咽  ↑

还有另一桌在室外吃品种丰富的中国菜肴 ↓

😀 开心死了

1-2-3, Merry Christmas!

(上面视频看不了的话,我在 土豆 也发了。)


A Ride to Xinchang Old Town新场古镇骑行

Sat. morning 9:00 started from Huaihai Rd. Fenyang Rd. on a 45km ride (roundtrip 90km!) to Xinchang Old Town. Braving through 0-2 °C all the way!

Keyword: COLD!
Journey: Fun
Aftermath: I was paralysed

查看Xinchang Old Twon Ride 新场古镇骑行 的大地图

Ready to go!
↑ Photo by the organizer, Harry (@大脚骑天下)

After the ferry ride, awaiting for more riders to join.

Harry and his fixie.↑

Echo and The Yellow One↑ (The same frame bike was featured in the Jianguo Rd. GIANT store post)

The girls↑

Paul showing off his hidden muscles. ↑

Getting windproof protections. ↑

Opposite the Bund in Pudong, near Expo ↑

Arrived! My friend Elena, who rode my pink little bike ↑

Yep, that’s me passing by one of the old watertown house. (It is now the profile pic of CityBikr Facebook page)

The ride home was exhausting. On the final few kilometers, my only living wish is to see the sweet tip hole of SWFC tower again. And I’m soooo proud that I made it with just a simple city bike. 😉

Want to see more photos of the water town? Check my Flickr.周六早上9点从上海音乐学院(淮海路汾阳路)出发到浦东新场古镇的 45公里骑行(来回90km!)。一路上温度都在3°C一下,到了古镇就到冰点0°C了。腿冻得僵硬~ T_T


查看大的 Xinchang Old Twon Ride 新场古镇骑行 地图

↑出发!照片来自组织者Harry (@大脚骑天下)



Echo (同车架车之前在 建国路衡山路捷安特专卖店一文中展示过哦!)


Paul展示他深藏不露的肌肉 ↑


靠近世博滨江集体合照 ↑

饱餐一顿羊肉汤、面之后顺利到达。Elena一路骑我的粉红小车,可累了 ↑

↑ 我骑过一老房子。


更多古镇照片可以看我的 Flickr.


Bumped into Bean Shanghai‘s group ride outside Jing’an Sculpture Park.

The tricycles (both with back seat and without) were there again.

在静安雕塑公园外碰到了 Bean Shanghai 集体骑游,都穿了背心呢!


Factory Five & My First Night Ride

Just came back from my first night ride with the gang. Met lots of interesting people.

Finally took a pic for Tyler. And that’s 48×15 Vol. 2 he’s holding.

And I just had to get some biking spirit for myself…

↑ Laura, writer and journalist from Germany. That’s a new built she just got today.(What a beautiful bike!) She took the last pic of me and Tyler.

Inside Factory 5 ↓:

That’s Perry from Hongkong on the right.

And finally met Jeff. (with a huge flash)

Lewis from Scotland with his Factory 5 built.

Waiting at the gate to hit the road.

Night ride starts!

And guess what, we’ve got a tricycle (rickshaw?) ↑ and a tandem bike ↓

We biked pretty far (probably NOT so for many). I was almost exhausted from the pedalling a few times on the way because my non-fixie bike has small wheels and gears. But thanks to the timely stops in between, I made it all the way 🙂

And finally, Karta with the bamboo bike. [AgotoB.com] Let’s bring the bike culture back to China!

Location of Facotry Five: Jiangsu lu 876, near Huashan Lu

[google-map-v3 width=”600″ height=”350″ zoom=”12″ maptype=”roadmap” mapalign=”left” directionhint=”false” language=”default” addmarkermashupbubble=”false” addmarkermashupbubble=”false” addmarkerlist=”上海江苏路876号{}cycling.png{}876 Jiangsu Lu, Shanghai (near Huashan Lu) 靠近华山路” maptypecontrol=”true” pancontrol=”true” zoomcontrol=”true” scalecontrol=”true” streetviewcontrol=”true” scrollwheelcontrol=”false” bubbleautopan=”true” showbike=”false” showtraffic=”false” showpanoramio=”false”]