Denver, Colorado, circa 1905, from “Wheels of Change” by Sue Macy
Denver, Colorado, circa 1905, from “Wheels of Change” by Sue Macy
There are 4 posts tagged vintage (this is page 1 of 1).
Denver, Colorado, circa 1905, from “Wheels of Change” by Sue Macy
Denver, Colorado, circa 1905, from “Wheels of Change” by Sue Macy
One of the few licensed bikes ↑
And guess who turned up ↓ 😀
❤ townie handlebar! ↓
These are all photoed at this amazing crossing ↓ Fuxing Lu, Wulumuqi Lu
Finally, a beautiful vintage bike ↓
为数不多的上牌车 ↑
然后看看谁骑过来了 ↓ 😀
大胡子车把,超爱的 ↓
这些都是在美丽的复兴路乌鲁木齐路口拍的 ↓ 今天拍的时候还被伊朗领馆的卫兵盘查了一番。。。
最后,一辆超美的复古车架死飞 ↓
Photo credit: 网易看客:谁动了中国的自行车 (except for photo no.3 which is unknown)
照片出处: 网易看客:谁动了中国的自行车 (第三张不是,也不知道是哪儿的)