So Much Style!范儿如潮来~

One of the few licensed bikes ↑

And guess who turned up  ↓  😀

❤ townie handlebar! ↓

These are all photoed at this amazing crossing ↓ Fuxing Lu, Wulumuqi Lu

Finally, a beautiful vintage bike ↓

为数不多的上牌车 ↑

然后看看谁骑过来了 ↓  😀

大胡子车把,超爱的 ↓

这些都是在美丽的复兴路乌鲁木齐路口拍的 ↓ 今天拍的时候还被伊朗领馆的卫兵盘查了一番。。。

最后,一辆超美的复古车架死飞 ↓

Another Spring Weekend又一个春日周末


– I’ve seen and heard about it ↑ many times but was never able to capture it.

Cool bike & cool bag ↓

永久C in the shop. ↑ Have been seen a lot of Cs lately.

Cool shoes ↓

Another shop hopper ↑

Now, I have to address the issue that people has been mentioning to me: No, I don’t just take photos of white people on bikes. 1. Most Chinese people just simply don’t want me to take photos of them 🙁 (like this one ↑) There are actually quite a lot of cool Chinese people but they are very often unapproachable -it is a big loss for the world because they ARE as cool or even much more cooler with their Asian calmness. 2. I really haven’t seen many darker skinned people riding. If I have, they will be the first ones to get photographed and haunted by me. 😛




鞋有意思 ↓



Stripping Models For Show – Ain’t Something New世界首个大尺度车模广告

You think they invented the boobs + car promotion? Cyclists saw it on Ads back in 1898, when the little baby automobile was still learning to walk.



——腾讯“豪车裸模” (汽车)