After the Commercial Shoot 拍完广告片后

Was at a short movie commercial shooting with some fellow fixed riders all Sunday. Wasn’t able to take photos during the shooting but had a chance while we were waiting.

A周日辛苦的早上4点多就爬起来和大家赶拍广告片 @AwesomeAmanda @shadowplay影玩还有新认识的朋友 @赤月凝 @Daniel_想把各种车改成死飞 。一大早7点在车里补觉时被拉练公路的@EdCork 认出扔在外面的熊猫。一天下来还处处被路过的朋友观摩。除了车架刮花外是很快乐的一天~ 车也获得了应有赔偿


St. Patrick’s Day Beer BashSt. Patrick’s Day


Factory Five:
Join us for the next in F5’s series of bike jaunts through Shanghai, stopping at conveniences stores for a cheeky beer and rolling on full of Irish merriment.

If you’ve been on one before you’ll know they’re awesome. If you haven’t; they’re awesome. We start 2pm at Factory Five (876 Jiangsu Lu) and will ride until sundown or so.

This year the Boxing Cat have kindly offered to put a green-beer pump streetside so we’ll be stopping there for a cheap drink… as well as a basically random string of convenience stores at which we’ll be pausing for drinks and music and mirth.

Bring your bike, some pocket change and smiley faces. All are welcome regardless of what you ride as long as you’re in full control and it’s self-propelled. We love helmets; safety never takes a holiday so bring it along too.

Last Year’s Paddy’s Bash576127_481665718567909_947559857_n

本周六,去Factory Five:参加圣帕特里克节啤酒骑哦!
