There are 40 posts tagged guys (this is page 1 of 4).
Amsterdam. Best. Trip. Ever. 阿姆斯特丹
After the Commercial Shoot 拍完广告片后
Was at a short movie commercial shooting with some fellow fixed riders all Sunday. Wasn’t able to take photos during the shooting but had a chance while we were waiting.
A周日辛苦的早上4点多就爬起来和大家赶拍广告片 @AwesomeAmanda @shadowplay影玩还有新认识的朋友 @赤月凝 @Daniel_想把各种车改成死飞 。一大早7点在车里补觉时被拉练公路的@EdCork 认出扔在外面的熊猫。一天下来还处处被路过的朋友观摩。除了车架刮花外是很快乐的一天~ 车也获得了应有赔偿
NJS × 3
Welcome Back, Spring :)欢迎回来,春天 :)
Head down to the newly sprayed Factory Five!
Look at the two bikers in the background!
大家不妨去“粉刷一新”的 Factory Five看看哦!