R.I.P. Bill

Salute to the master! #BillCunningham #thesartorialist

Lucy Liu(@lucyliuxin)发的照片 ·

One can say that Bill Cunningham is the forefather of “street” fashion and photography. This is the man who inspired me to become a street photographer, and a photographer in general, if there’s anything that’s serious I’ve done.

Bill Cunningham New York

I watched the documentary of him a few years ago and it left me with tears. He will always be an inspiration to the world for his work and selfless dedication.

After the Commercial Shoot 拍完广告片后

Was at a short movie commercial shooting with some fellow fixed riders all Sunday. Wasn’t able to take photos during the shooting but had a chance while we were waiting.

A周日辛苦的早上4点多就爬起来和大家赶拍广告片 @AwesomeAmanda @shadowplay影玩还有新认识的朋友 @赤月凝 @Daniel_想把各种车改成死飞 。一大早7点在车里补觉时被拉练公路的@EdCork 认出扔在外面的熊猫。一天下来还处处被路过的朋友观摩。除了车架刮花外是很快乐的一天~ 车也获得了应有赔偿