Skid! ↑
Skid! ↑
Effortless skid! ↑
Check out those boots!
Michelle坐栏杆~↑ XD
There are 25 posts tagged fixed-gear (this is page 3 of 3).
Skid! ↑
Skid! ↑
Effortless skid! ↑
Check out those boots!
Michelle坐栏杆~↑ XD
Loading the truck with bikes↑
What magazine? I want it! -_ –
Jeff’s hot sauce↑
View from our 5-star hotel room ↓
Opening ceremony after dinner! Stage in the lake. Heard it cost millions.
Famous TV hosts! 林海 & ICS’s 陈旋
Various officials ↓
Fireworks after the show ↑
Bus going back to the hotel. Tyler of Factory 5, the co-organizer, announcing our free spa offers. ↑
Early rise for the warm up ride ↓
Min Woo ↑
Bikes all over the ground! ↑
Not as beautiful as a fixie ↓
A sweet bike lane by one of the many lakes during the warm up ride. I got really tired so just hopped off and started taking pics.
High fives to the A-yi’s on the bikes
Some unique bike ↑
Riaad & Jiayi ↑
Need to get a decent film camera too!↓
Laura (Girl’s champion!) and her twin-lens reflex camera ↑
Feiyues after Feiyues↓
The race took place in Zhouzhuang. I was 3rd in girls but felt sick after the first round. Managed to finish the 2nd round as the last one 😛
Chilling after the race ↑
Made new Chinese biker gal friends too. Thanks for the ice-cream! ↓
Going home!↓
什么杂志啊 我也要看 -_ –
酒店阳台的景色~ ↓ 羡慕嫉妒恨吧?
晚饭完去看表演↓ 昆山国际文化旅游节开幕式。舞台和座位都设置在湖中。据说花了不少钱呢!
看完回酒店。F5老大,活动协办主理人之一泰勒~ ↑是不是在这里出镜数太多了?
第二天一大早就起来~ 参加热身骑 ↓
韩国帅哥 Min Woo,像不像林俊杰~ ↑
还是死飞美~ ↓
这帮人就爱搞怪~ 还跟拔杂草的阿姨们击掌。
又是Riaad和Jiayi ↑
比赛在周庄进行的。围湖骑呗。第一轮预选起了个女生第三,快倒下了。还是咬牙坚持骑完第二轮,是进入决赛30个人(10个女生)里的倒数第一。 😛
认识了新朋友↓ 还请我吃冰淇淋,让他们羡慕嫉妒恨去吧~哈哈
天气很热~ 我手臂很粗
美女是不少的↑ 天气是很好的。
A shoutout from the fixie girls in San Francisco: Get on your bike and dominate!
More lady biker posts coming soon!
Fast Company SF (可译为:旧金山快车帮)是旧金山的一群由女学生、女设计师、女工程师、女运动员等等组成的死飞俱乐部。
Went to Central Studios Autumn Fair last Sunday. There were some really lovely bikes parked out side before I even got in.
(Nope. You’re too little for it buddy.)
(Guess which one of these we have posted before with its cute owner?)
Actually I was there mainly to check out the Factory 5 bikes. After wandering around for over 1 hour, I finally discovered that the tall ginger guy is THE Tyler of People’s Bike. Now all dots are connected. Then I guess I was too excited to have forgotten to take a pic of the man himself.
One of them cool guys who just hangs around the spot. ↑
And then on the way back…
Yep. This is Linh with his newly built Factory 5 bike in action. Didn’t even recognize the bike before I stopped him.